Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Engaged and Underage

We are getting married! Hooooray!!!
Many would say "FINALLY!"
Others "Congrats!"

....and then there are the couple of people that have a problem with it.

Like I say in every blog, if you have a problem with anything I say, stop reading. I write things on here because it's one of the only places I can just type out my frustrations and not worry about the whole world seeing it. Here we go.

Like I said in my title, we are engaged, and we are young. But not stupid, immature, or even not prepared for marriage. I think we are the opposite of the above. Culture and certain people would say that unless you've gone to college for 8 years, and managed to accumulate thousands of dollars in student loans, you aren't ready for marriage. Well, I beg to differ. I don't think readiness for marriage should be determined on your education whatsoever. No. I'll even go as far as to say that no one should have a say as to when two people are "ready" or "not ready" for marriage. There is no rule book. And I think that's what many people don't get.

Why am I writing this? Because in the past week and a half, I've had people that know me, but not intimately, and don't know my relationship with Nathan, or what God has done with us in the past few years, that have had the NERVE to say that I am too young, and too un-educated for marriage. I've even heard someone go as far as to say that my relationship (and the time I waited for Nathan, which was 2 years by the way) with Nathan was obsessive, and that our marriage would be me just obsessing over him. .....really? Last time I checked, that was called love. And waiting for Nathan for two years was called being obedient, and waiting for the Lord's timing, and trusting that His purpose, and the promise He has made to me, would become a reality. It wasn't some obsessive fairy tale. It was trust. Trust in God, and in what He had for me. And look where we are. I don't want to brag, but we have one of the craziest, and most awesome love stories. We now know how to love each other deeply and truly because we WAITED on God's timing, and it was worth it.

I look forward to being married to my best friend. I look forward to going to bed every night knowing that I get to wake up by his side. I look forward to having children with him, and raising them up to love the Lord, and I look forward to proving alllll these people wrong that think you have to be 37 to get married.

That is my vent.


  1. Girl I totally understand where you are coming from! I am 20 and engaged and getting married this summer. A lot of my friends parents have been saying oh you are too young to be getting married, and it kills me, especially since I'm not really great friends with any of them. I have never felt more ready and more sure of God's timing for my fiance and I! We are old souls and I am ready to face the world with him by my side! Good Luck to you and Nathan and Congrats! So happy for y'all! :)

  2. Hahaha! The title is my favorite :) And anyone who has spent time with you two should know that it's a good thing. No, I don't think that all 19 year old's should get married, however God does plan that for some. And how lucky are you to get started so soon - that just means you'll get to spend much more time with your husband than most people get to :). And you know...I've known some 37 year old's that have married later in life and they are just as mature as some 19 year old's.

    And no matter what...you go into marriage not fully understanding what you're getting into. And that's the beauty of it. You learn so much about God, about your spouse and about yourself. God being the center of your marriage is all you need, everything else will fall into place because he's the center of your marriage. Who can put an age requirement on that?
