Friday, December 30, 2011

"When Darkness Falls"

Look out the window of our world. What do you see? I can only draw one unmistakable conclusion... It is very dark. My heart has been so so heavy today. Why? Because our world is slowly falling apart, and it seems like either no one cares, or no one really wants to take the time to take a stand and make a difference. It's almost like we've become too scared to speak out against all of the taboos in our society because people will look at us like the odd balls, or our social circles will think we're being too legalistic and maybe too conservative, or we simply just don't see anything wrong with whats going on around us.  We ourselves are contributing to it. Scary? Very much. Is it possible that we all do it at one point in our lives? Absolutely.

How did we get here? Our entire society is saturated in sex. I'll take it a step further. Our society has become submerged in it for so long, that suffocation and drowning doesn't seem too out of the question. Movies, music, TV, social networking, search engines, billboards, radio, magazines, public places...not one aspect of life has not been seductively darkened by carnality. Let's face the facts. The media will not get any better, so the only other option is for us to.

How do we "get better" as a society? How do we stop being okay with the sexual strangle-hold that has enveloped our world? Like I said before, our earth is very very dark, and as we all know, we are called to illuminate the darkness. The problem is that our light source is too weak. We have allowed so much compromise and influence into our sub-conscience, that our once radiant light has now dwindled into a mere flicker. Now, can we really be shocked when our weak little flame is blown out by the gusting wind of public perversion? We can't control the wind, but we can control how strong our light is. Sin will continue to be present all around us as long as people have the freedom to choose it.

Our standards must be higher and our sacrifices must be greater. Period. Some may say that extreme Christian standards are a form of going over board, but what I say to that is, I would rather go over board than stay on a sinking ship. And trust me, our society is rapidly sinking into sexual compromise. There is no quick fix or get out of jail free card, the only solution to this is simply Jesus Christ. Read your bible, pray, guard your hearts and minds, raise your standards in every aspect of life, and live a pure and blameless life. Accountability is key. Surround yourself with people whose standards daily challenge your own, and you will see growth in your own life. And at all costs, deny yourself every single day.

A wise man once said, "99% obedience is 100% disobedience."
Live all of life in purity, even when society promotes otherwise.
Remember, when darkness don't have to.